NYC Personal Brand Photographer Heidi Hapanowicz

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Be Your Own Media Company

Document, Don’t Create—Be Your Own Media Company

Gary Vaynerchuk (or GaryVee as he is affectionately known) has it all figured out. He lives his advice. He shows up on social media every day to rally his people. They hang on his every word. His content reaches the far ends of the web, but not because he and his team spend hours every day coming up with content. It comes down to one simple piece of advice he gives: Document, don’t create.

If the idea of writing blogs, emails, and content for five social media channels, plus shooting videos for YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and SnapChat makes you want to crawl into a hole and never come out, relax. That’s a TERRIBLE plan (even though it seems like that’s what everyone ELSE is doing). If you can shift your mindset—and content plan—from creation to documentation, you’ll save HEAPS of time and finally feel GOOD about showing up online.

YOU Are the Production Company

Forget about hiring a film crew and writers to produce your videos. Put those thousands of dollars back into your pocket and take out your phone. You don’t need a script. You don’t need an elaborate setup. You don’t need to spend hours editing the reel. Just press that big red record button and tell us how you really feel. Show us what you’re up to. Give us a glimpse of your world. And then do it again. And again. And again.  

Now Is the Time

Instagram Stories and Facebook Lives are blowing UP right now. At the touch of a button, you can get in front of more people than ever when you post a live video to these two channels. While your competition hesitates to take the leap, you’ll be basking in the attention of ideal clients who might have never given you a second thought—until now. Sure, the first few videos might make you shake in your boots, but I promise, you’ll get comfortable much sooner than you think. So get to it, will ya? Ready, set, GO!  

But What Can I Possibly Say?

Don’t think about it too much. Just do you. Got a big project you’re working on? Take a behind-the-scenes video to show your audience what you’re up to. Stuck on something? Let them know about it and ask for their help. You’ll get tons of engagement and possibly your next big idea! Feeling passionate about something that’s happening in the world? Let your people know what makes you tick! Can’t think of anything to shoot? Head to your favorite coffee shop or restaurant and order your favorite beverage or meal. Take a video on the spot and talk about why you love it so much. Done! Whatever you do, don’t overthink it. You got this.

Get Inspired

Gary Vee’s book, Crush It: Why Now Is the Time to Cash in on Your Passion, is just the kick in the pants you need to get started. He highlights people who are killing it with their personal brands. You’ll get loads of ideas and motivation from this book. I highly recommend it.